Push Notifications
Get notifications on News & Events
Communicate with all your members at the click of a button using Push Notifications.
Benefit from your very own Branch app which has been carefully developed with you in-mind. Not only is the app customised exclusively for your Branch but we can even develop personal features.
Communicate with all your members at the click of a button using Push Notifications.
Get on-demand resources that can easily be downloaded direct from your device. Add documents that your users will find useful and can access at the touch of a button.
Connect with your Branch in minutes with easy access to steward's details, including email and phone numbers.
Get latest news, critical information and events out to your Branch instantly. Members get alerts direct to their phone.
Hear what your members have to say direct from the app. All they have to do is fill out the anonymous for and click submit.
The FAQ feature allows users to quickly and easily navigate through commonly asked questions to help find an answer to their query.
Easily access important and useful links on-the-go direct from your device.